About Me

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A young and slightly ignorant woman who has always loved baking and cooking, I want to make people happy with food as often as I can. I'm here to whisk away and explore!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Last week I met with the owner of Filo's Pizza and Pasta to offer my desserts since he has no dessert menu. (They just opened.) He was willing to try some samples and even better he asked if I would be interested in doing all of their breads too. Here is the chocolate cake he asked for. It's pretty much pure chocolate! Chocolate cake, fudge frosting, chocolate drizzle and hersherys squares. It is the deathliest Death by Chocolate Cake I've ever seen. Sorry about the images. All the cameras in the house had no batteries so these are all cell phone pictures. :/

I also gave him raspberry cheesecake samles and two different loaves of bread.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Regular ole Birthday cupcake order.

These were for Mrs. Parish who wanted a bunch of cupcakes for her 10 year old's birthday. 10 were for her softball team and two dozen for her class at school. She gave me creative license with the flavors (except no nuts, we had a severe nut allergy) so I just went with what ingredients I had the most of. Result?

Chocolate with Fudge frosting and Raspberry Vanilla with White Chocolate frosting.  The softball ones were decorated with white chocolate disks and piped with red icing to look like softballs. The flowers were made with fondant. This is the first time making fondant flowers like this so it took a while to perfect them, but it turned out pretty nicely! :)

Saturday, May 14, 2011

So today was one busy day! (Phew!)
We had:
1 baseball game
1 sick person
2 cake orders
1 prom
1 birthday party
1 scheduled meeting for PDB
1 men's retreat
1 lost cell phone
1 trip to the florist
1 dishwasher to buy
4 loads of dishes to wash by hand
5 fondant animals to scuplt
1 car stalled
3 subway sandwiches
and a VERY tired Candice.
One cake was a lemon birthday cake with blueberry filling and candied lemon peel decorations.

The second cake was a very cute three month-iversary cake with all of the cute little baby animals!

Two dolphons, a shark, a chicken and a lemur. BAM. It was chocolate with vanilla frosting. :)

THIS is my beautiful drop dead gorgeous amazing sister and her date for the Prom. I was so flabbergasted by how stunning and grown up she looked. It was like being related to a princess. 

Annnddd that's me, exhausted from doing Prom Hair/Makeup and baking two cakes at the same time. But VERY excited and happy for my sister who (yes, let me say it again) was beyond beautiful. 

Friday, May 13, 2011

Two dozen rosebuds...

Rosebud cookies for one of the Highschool's student organizations. CHS is an awesome school with lots of things for me to bake for!

 Lemon Cookies with Vanilla Rosebuds.

Mother's Day Cake

I think this one was a joke.
The customer got it for her husband for "Mother's Day".
I was confused, but hey! (Hey!) I just make the cakes...you can use em how ever you want I guess.
You can tell I took my own pictures. :P My sister was at church and couldn't grace me with her amazing photography talents that morning.

And since I know nothing about taking good pictures, the cake looks half as good here on the internet as it did in real life.
Oh yes. It was Earl Grey infused cake with Lemon Buttercream icing. For all those people who wanted to know. :)